Emergency Medical Responder: First on Scene (EMR), by Chris Le Baudour, J. David Bergeron, Gloria Bizjak, Keith Wesley
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Emergency Medical Responder: First on Scene (EMR), by Chris Le Baudour, J. David Bergeron, Gloria Bizjak, Keith Wesley
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For courses in First Responder and Emergency Medical Services
Learn to think like an EMR The leader in the field, Emergency Medical Responder, Tenth Edition, provides clear, first responder-level training for fire service, emergency, law enforcement, military, civil, and industrial personnel. The new edition retains all of the successful features from previous editions and includes new topics and concepts that have recently become part of most Emergency Medical Responder programs. Using the new National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards for Emergency Medical Responders as a foundation, Emergency Medical Responder also includes the 2010 American Heart Association guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and First Aid. Critical-thinking First on Scene scenarios and From the Medical Director features offer readers a real-world perspective that will help them learn to think like EMRs.
Emergency Medical Responder: First on Scene (EMR), by Chris Le Baudour, J. David Bergeron, Gloria Bizjak, Keith Wesley- Amazon Sales Rank: #378132 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-06-24
- Released on: 2015-06-24
- Format: Kindle eBook
About the Author
Chris Le Baudour has been working in the EMS field since 1978. In 1984, Chris began his teaching career in the Department of Public Safety–EMS Division at Santa Rosa Junior College in Santa Rosa, California.
Chris holds a master’s degree in education with an emphasis in online teaching and learning as well as numerous EMS and instructional certifications. Chris has spent the past 30 years mastering the art of experiential learning in EMS and is well known for his innovative classroom techniques and his passion for both teaching and learning in both traditional and online classrooms.
Chris is very involved in EMS education at the national level and served six years as a board member of the National Association of EMS Educators and advises many organizations throughout the country. Chris is a frequent presenter at both state and national conferences and a prolific EMS writer. Along with numerous articles, he is the author of Emergency Care for First Responders and coauthor of EMT Complete: A Basic Worktext, and an Emergency Medical Responder Workbook and Active Learning Manual for the EMT-Basic. Chris and his wife, Audrey, have two children and reside in northern California.
David Bergeron was very active in the development of instructional and training programs for the emergency medical services (EMS) for more than 35 years. His early work included a front-row seat to the development of modern patient assessment and care inspired by the studies of Dr. R. Adams Cowley, Maryland Shock Trauma Center, Maryland Institute of EMS Systems, and Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute (MFRI).
David’s work in instructional development for emergency medicine has included EMT-Basic, Emergency Medical Responder (First Responder), EMT-Intermediate, and EMT-Paramedic student and instructor programs. He is credited with writing the first comprehensive textbook for the first responder, for establishing the first behavioral objectives for EMTs, and for being the first to develop a full-course glossary for EMT instruction.
As well as having served as an instructional technologist on leading textbooks in emergency medicine, David was on the teaching faculty of the University of Maryland, Longwood University, and numerous community colleges and schools of nursing. His publications include textbooks that have been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Lithuanian, and Japanese. David passed away on April 10, 2012, after a long illness.
Where to Download Emergency Medical Responder: First on Scene (EMR), by Chris Le Baudour, J. David Bergeron, Gloria Bizjak, Keith Wesley
Most helpful customer reviews
5 of 6 people found the following review helpful. Great By lk Great. Bought this one after I was completely ripped off by that piece of garbage the AAOS calls their EMR textbook. I'm already an EMR and am just using this as a reference and also to train lifeguards. This one is fantastic. The organization is exceptional. The design and illustrations are extremely modern. The information is completely up to date and new advances in pre-hospital medicine have been added. The book is extremely thorough. It definitely seems like the authors cared very much about the quality when they wrote it. There are some gaps in information in the patient assesment chapter and that's why I knocked off two stars. Maybe it didn't get edited accidentally because they forgot to talk about the airway step in the primary assessment and barely talked about the primary for responsive patients. This really bothers me as that is some pretty important information. Other then that, the book is fantastic; This is the best and most comprehensive EMR text out there.
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Latest and greatest By John C Anderson Great book, Got me to pass NREMT first responder.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great, useful book By Amazon Customer This book is great if you're using it for a class or to just brush up on some material. I found it really handy. It's one of the books I actually used!! I did, however, return it because I needed more money to buy my next set of textbooks. Lol, college life.
See all 7 customer reviews... Emergency Medical Responder: First on Scene (EMR), by Chris Le Baudour, J. David Bergeron, Gloria Bizjak, Keith WesleyEmergency Medical Responder: First on Scene (EMR), by Chris Le Baudour, J. David Bergeron, Gloria Bizjak, Keith Wesley PDF
Emergency Medical Responder: First on Scene (EMR), by Chris Le Baudour, J. David Bergeron, Gloria Bizjak, Keith Wesley iBooks
Emergency Medical Responder: First on Scene (EMR), by Chris Le Baudour, J. David Bergeron, Gloria Bizjak, Keith Wesley ePub
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Emergency Medical Responder: First on Scene (EMR), by Chris Le Baudour, J. David Bergeron, Gloria Bizjak, Keith Wesley AZW
Emergency Medical Responder: First on Scene (EMR), by Chris Le Baudour, J. David Bergeron, Gloria Bizjak, Keith Wesley Kindle
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