Minggu, 15 Desember 2013

Remnants and Shadows: The Dying Lands Chronicle, by Jacob Cooper

Remnants and Shadows: The Dying Lands Chronicle, by Jacob Cooper

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Remnants and Shadows: The Dying Lands Chronicle, by Jacob Cooper

Remnants and Shadows: The Dying Lands Chronicle, by Jacob Cooper

Remnants and Shadows: The Dying Lands Chronicle, by Jacob Cooper

Read and Download Ebook Remnants and Shadows: The Dying Lands Chronicle, by Jacob Cooper

This short story takes place during the timeline of Altar of Influence: The Orsarian War. The listener is highly encouraged to hear the aforementioned title first.

Thannuel and Moira have been promised to each other since birth. Just as they are growing, both as individuals and together, the Marishee probe deep into Arlethia and strike at House Kerr, attempting to abduct Thannuel and assassinate Moira. While the attempt barely fails, it leaves them questioning their relationship and deeply contemplating their future together.

Amnoch, master of the hold guard for House Kerr and member of the furtive Gyldenal Order, sets out on a quest to discover more about the Marishee, disciples of the enigmatic Thoulden-sha, the Oracle of Mari-shaden. As The Resurgence continues to gain traction among the people of Senthara, Amnoch's mission unwittingly becomes a fulcrum between the Living Light and The Ancient Dark. Remnants of things long forgotten, since The Turning Away, lie hidden and await him, shadows of an unknown threat that is too great to ignore.

Remnants and Shadows: The Dying Lands Chronicle, by Jacob Cooper

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #42958 in Audible
  • Published on: 2015-06-15
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 100 minutes
Remnants and Shadows: The Dying Lands Chronicle, by Jacob Cooper

Remnants and Shadows: The Dying Lands Chronicle, by Jacob Cooper

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Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Deeper outcomes of important events from Altar of Influence By MelHay *This audiobook was provided by the author at no cost in exchange for an unbiased review, at my request.The night that started as a lovely date and ended in a battle for Thannuel and Artious also was an important night to Moira. She realized she loves Thannuel and she wants to marry him. But does he feel the same for her? She thinks so, from the look of fear for her when they were attacked and how he put himself in harms way so she could get away. Amnoch also goes on his own mission, seeing new sides of the world.Michael's voice gives me shivers, the good shivers, when I listen to him. Michael enhanced the touching moments between Thannuel and Moira. Such a lovely moment. *sigh* His voice was full of emotion. Then when he was in the moment of dispair or trouble, his voice deepens in emotion and sound to go with the words and set of the moment. I liked the echo he added to the Desert Wraths as well, but I wished he'd followed through all the moments the Desert Wraths spoke with the echo. Nice touch to catch the listeners attention.When I first started this short story I wasn't sure where in the time of the first book, Altar of Influence: The Orsarian War, this would be placed. It only took a few moments for it to click into place. This is after the attack in the alley where Thannuel learns of an ability he's able to do when fighting.This world has a long history with the Living Light, The Ancient Dark, The Ancients, and Those Forgotten. I'm slowly learning pieces and the history, but I want more. This short story does start to draw new pieces to the fold. We get glimpses of the economy of the area along with widening the world and history with clans and The Ancients. We also get to see a new creature of the land. It's interesting the way they are connected and in so bring some light to the world along with more curiosity for what was and what will come.This short story has an emotional feel to it. All good, bringing us closer to the characters and fills in a few tiny holes we are curious about with the characters. Amnoch makes me smile when he talks of the two boys, Thannuel and Artious. We see touching moments for both couples mixed with humor as well. I loved the balance of the love and fun between all four; Thannuel, Moira, Artious, and Kalisa. We get to see how Thannuel feels of his mind splitting when he talks to Artious about it. He also talks of how he's coping with what he's learned, which is still a struggle.I'm becoming more and more curious of the world and history here, along with what is to come of Thannuel and Artious. Those two men are special, and I'm wanting to see where life goes for them. But I'm curious of this fantasy world and want to learn what I can. I look forward to continuing with the series.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Quick read, could easily see it added to an updated version of Altar of Influence By Benjamin I found the Dying Lands Chronicle by accident as I was looking for a new book to read after completing Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series. I found a blog while searching another topic and one of his posts was about Circle of Reign and that lead me to buy the audible version of it and I was impressed and have since read the Altar of Influence as well and will follow this series to completion. It is an intriguing story and this of course could easily be added to the Altar of Influence as a couple more chapters to fill the book out. I appreciate the ability Jacob Cooper has to create an immense world and well developed characters so that as I read it, I can see the world and its scenery clearly in my mind and how the characters fit within that world. I enjoyed reading Remnants and Shadows as it expanded on some of the backstory and added to the Altar of influence harmoniously. It is easy to read and his style keeps things simple so there is a good flow to how things unfold in the story. I also liked to see characters who appear in his other books show up to add further history to them. I wished it was longer, but mostly because I want to learn more of the Realm of Senthara. Thanks for a good quick read Mr. Cooper!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Everything He Does is Magic By Alia the Kindle Lover Having found Jacob Cooper and his amazing novel Alter of Influence early on, it has left me always hungry for more, and in this he has delivered. The love between Moira and Thannuel is beautiful and having so briefly met them in the full length novel and wanting desperately to get to know then since they both seemed like such truly amazing characters, definitely left me craving more backstory and I can't thank Jacob enough for fulfilling that craving! So worth spending the money and time on picking Remnants and Shadows up and gobbling it up! Cooper is truly a gifted story teller, whether it's a full length novel or a short story...everything he does is magic!l in my eyes and he's got a fan for life in me!

See all 13 customer reviews... Remnants and Shadows: The Dying Lands Chronicle, by Jacob Cooper

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Remnants and Shadows: The Dying Lands Chronicle, by Jacob Cooper

Remnants and Shadows: The Dying Lands Chronicle, by Jacob Cooper

Remnants and Shadows: The Dying Lands Chronicle, by Jacob Cooper
Remnants and Shadows: The Dying Lands Chronicle, by Jacob Cooper

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