Patient Studies in Valvular, Congenital and Rarer Forms of Cardiovascular Disease: An Integrative Approach, by Franklin B. Saksena
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Patient Studies in Valvular, Congenital and Rarer Forms of Cardiovascular Disease: An Integrative Approach, by Franklin B. Saksena
Free Ebook Patient Studies in Valvular, Congenital and Rarer Forms of Cardiovascular Disease: An Integrative Approach, by Franklin B. Saksena
Test your knowledge or prepare for Boards with this collection of unusual and challenging patient studies focused on detecting valvular, congenital or vascular disease.
- Contains over 90 case histories with self-test questions designed to test the reader’s knowledge and reinforce clinical best practices
- Focuses on diseases of valvular, vascular or congenital origin, and on comparatively rare disorders/diseases, rather than coronary artery disease, to help readers improve their skills at interpreting and making decisions based on physical examination and basic, non-invasive imaging modalities
- Each case is paired with original materials - e.g. x-rays, echocardiograms, lab reports, charts – so readers can work through their diagnosis using the same information as the physician who treated the patient originally
- An ideal companion for those approaching board review or recertification or who want to improve skills in physical diagnosis of cardiovascular disease
- Amazon Sales Rank: #4011500 in Books
- Published on: 2015-06-02
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 11.70" h x .80" w x 8.30" l, .0 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 448 pages
“This book will challenge the problem-solver, improve the reader's knowledge of cardiology, and help prepare the trainee for the cardiology board examination. Its specific strong points include an attractive cover, paper of high-grade stock, excellent colored illustrations, well-constructed diagrams and tables, an assortment of worthwhile images, and a wealth of detailed and practical information on a wide variety of valvular, congenital, and rare forms of cardiovascular disease. Especially useful are the discussion, key points, and references that conclude most of the patient studies.” (Texas Heart Institute Journal, 1 August 2015)
From the Back Cover
A number of cardiology training programs emphasize coronary artery disease whilst neglecting other aspects of cardiology such as valvular, congenital heart or vascular disease. This book attempts to redress this imbalance by reiterating the importance of history and physical findings in detecting valvular, congenital or vascular disease and to correlate the clinical findings to invasive and non-invasive studies. This approach will be useful to cardiologists in training particularly those sitting the Cardiology Board examinations, where recognition of auscultatory findings is now a requirement, and those with an interest in problem solving. Each of the 90+ patient studies follows a templated design and consists of: history, physical examination, phonocardiography (whenever possible), ECG, Chest X-ray, echocardiography, hemodynamics, and, sometimes, angiography. These sections may or may not be randomized and readers are challenged to write an interpretation on each section as well as answering self-test questions posed in the legends. Patient studies have been arranged in approximately chronological order from 1966-2013 with emphasis on establishing a likely diagnosis based on the available tools then in existence. Test your problem solving skills, improve your knowledge, and prepare for Boards, with this collection of unusual and challenging patient studies focused on the physical diagnosis of cardiovascular disease. This book:
- Contains over 90 case histories with self-test questions designed to test the reader’s knowledge and also reinforce clinical best practices
- Focuses on diseases of valvular, vascular or congenital origin, and on comparatively rare disorders/diseases, rather than coronary artery disease, to help readers improve their skills at interpreting and making decisions based on physical examination and basic, non-invasive imaging modalities
- Pairs each with original materials - e.g. x-rays, echocardiograms, lab reports, charts – so that readers can work through their diagnosis using the same information as the physician who treated the patient originally
About the Author Franklin B. Saksena, MD, CM, FACP, FRCP(C), FACC, FAHA and member of American Society of Echocardiography.Dr. Saksena served as a Senior Attending Physician in the Department of Cardiology at Stroger Hospital of Cook County, Chicago for over 32 years. He remains active at Stroger Hospital of Cook County as a Voluntary Attending Physician in Adult Cardiology. While working for Cook County Hospital he was Director of the Cardiac Catheterization lab and for a period was Acting Chief of Cardiology.Dr. Saksena is currently an Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine at Northwestern University and an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Rush Medical School. He also maintains a part-time private practice in Cardiology and Internal Medicine at Swedish Covenant Hospital and St. Mary of Nazareth hospitals.
Where to Download Patient Studies in Valvular, Congenital and Rarer Forms of Cardiovascular Disease: An Integrative Approach, by Franklin B. Saksena
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. But the same tools have the power to enslave the physicians if they have poor clinical skills Dear editor: By Amazon Customer Here is another pearl by Franklin B. Saksena. His first monograph, Hemodynamics in Cardiology: Calculations and Interpretations (Praeger Scientific, New York 1983) is an epitome of his precision in thought and expression, and his genius for mathematical derivation. His second monograph, Color Atlas of Local and Systemic Signs of Cardiovascular Disease (Blackwell Publishing, 2008) is a record of his observations over more than 3 decades as an astute clinician and a gifted teacher of physical diagnosis. The current monograph, Patient Studies in Valvular, Congenital, and Rare Forms of Cardiovascular Disease: An Integrative Approach (Wiley Blackwell, 2015) is, in addition, an affirmation that new technologies introduced over the last fifty years can be powerful tools in the hands of skilled physicians. But the same tools have the power to enslave the physicians if they have poor clinical skills. Clinical skills risk gradual erosion if they are neglected during training, and may slowly become all but extinct as skilled teachers become a rare species. The author of this book is a sentinel and this book a beacon.The current book also betrays the mystery writer in the author who is a Sherlock Homes enthusiast. He ends the book with an interesting crossword puzzle.In the sequence of data presentation I would have preferred to see the history and physical before test results and images in most cases. Longitudinal findings and outcomes in patients are good for learning. The book is expensive but the quality of the paper and plates are good. Hold on to this one; the last time I checked, a used copy of his first book was on sale for $3,126.00 on Amazon. (Checked 04/23/16)-James Mathew, MD, FACC, FAHA
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By Pamela excellent resource
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