Rabu, 25 Maret 2015

The Secret to Being Human: Living in Your Natural State, by Jane R Hunter

The Secret to Being Human: Living in Your Natural State, by Jane R Hunter

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The Secret to Being Human: Living in Your Natural State, by Jane R Hunter

The Secret to Being Human: Living in Your Natural State, by Jane R Hunter

The Secret to Being Human: Living in Your Natural State, by Jane R Hunter

Free Ebook PDF Online The Secret to Being Human: Living in Your Natural State, by Jane R Hunter

Have you uncovered the greatest secret of all to living fully in the world yet not of it? Do you experience feelings of peace only to have them disappear again under layers of burdensome conditioning? What if you could uncover the well-being, contentment, and fulfillment that knows all is well, even amidst intense pain? What if you could be in continual intimacy with it all the time? Well, you can, because separation is impossible.

The Secret to Being Human: Living in Your Natural State, by Jane R Hunter

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #2457707 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-18
  • Released on: 2015-06-18
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Secret to Being Human: Living in Your Natural State, by Jane R Hunter

About the Author Jane Hunter was born in New Zealand and currently resides between New Zealand and Europe. Jane spent many years as a teacher and professional counsellor, until in 2007 grace revealed the direct realization of Life. This radical enlivening to Life as Itself ended all egoic self-suffering, which left her to soften and embody into the exquisite and vulnerable nature of what it really means to be a human being, and to abide in the free-feeling wellbeing that this brings. Jane now brings this unconditional ground of love to her work with others, way-showing the possibility of unwinding the egoic knot of suffering; to dive into and embody ones humanity into lasting freedom, which points the way for you to discover the 'Timeless Truth' of 'The Real' and the eternal Life you are also.

The Secret to Being Human: Living in Your Natural State, by Jane R Hunter

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Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. It is written in a way where you feel like you are talking to a friend who truly loves ... By Amazon Customer Every single person should own a copy of this book. It is truly life changing and your perspective on everything totally shifts in such an incredible way. It is written in a way where you feel like you are talking to a friend who truly loves you and who wants the best for you and every human being on the planet. I felt extremely loved reading this book, every aspect of myself, the dark and the light felt loved and cherished. It has opened my eyes and I feel truly blessed to have gotten the chance to read it. It talks about really being a human being and the realizations that come from reading it are phenomenal. This book is the best and most helpful book I have ever read. I had so many of my own realizations while reading it. Jane R Hunter says groundbreaking things and I really feel that whoever you are, whether you are "spiritual" or not, this book is a must read for not only yourself but for the whole of humanity. I absolutely love it with my whole heart and I am beyond grateful that it is out in the world just for us.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Thank you, Jane, for your inspirational and practical ... By Sally Mabelle Thank you, Jane, for your inspirational and practical guide on the 'how to' of Self-Realisation. In reading this book, you will be led to cultivate revolutionary contentment and ease amidst all of your daily human challenges. It will support your growing peace and fulfillment by leading you toward more intimacy with Life - your true source of belonging and connection. Jane helps you to see that 'enlightenment' is not some far off goal but available to you moment to moment - and she gives you practical guidance on how to open up more fully to your authentic, powerful, neutral, and loving Self.

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The Secret to Being Human: Living in Your Natural State, by Jane R Hunter

The Secret to Being Human: Living in Your Natural State, by Jane R Hunter

The Secret to Being Human: Living in Your Natural State, by Jane R Hunter
The Secret to Being Human: Living in Your Natural State, by Jane R Hunter

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