Jumat, 04 Desember 2015

The Deep Link (The Ascendancy Trilogy Book 1), by Veronica Sicoe

The Deep Link (The Ascendancy Trilogy Book 1), by Veronica Sicoe

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The Deep Link (The Ascendancy Trilogy Book 1), by Veronica Sicoe

The Deep Link (The Ascendancy Trilogy Book 1), by Veronica Sicoe

The Deep Link (The Ascendancy Trilogy Book 1), by Veronica Sicoe

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Taryn Harber knows humanity must someday join the rest of galactic society. But the xenophobic TMC prohibits all contact. When a resistance cell calls on her for a dangerous first-contact mission, Taryn leaps at the chance. But her dream of making a powerful ally against the TMC turns into a nightmare. Taryn finds herself mentally linked to the ruthless warlord Amharr, and all chances of peaceful contact are lost. As she fights to regain her freedom, the Link starts changing Taryn from within. She is transformed into a living weapon, something she cannot control by herself. Something even her own people would kill to possess. Soon, Taryn must fight for much more than her life, and Amharr, who had no regard for another's life before, has become her last hope.

The Deep Link (The Ascendancy Trilogy Book 1), by Veronica Sicoe

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #592226 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-15
  • Released on: 2015-06-15
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Deep Link (The Ascendancy Trilogy Book 1), by Veronica Sicoe

About the Author Veronica Sicoe writes adventures with deadly aliens, deadlier tech, and twisted relationships. She loves stories about conflicted characters thrust into a universe full of danger, otherness and possibility.You can chat with her on Twitter(@VeronicaSicoe), Facebook (facebook.com/VeronicaSicoe), or her blog (veronicasicoe.com).If you're interested in her upcoming books, special giveaways and exclusive material, you can join her mailing list (veronicasicoe.com/mailinglist) and get all the goodies delivered to your inbox.

The Deep Link (The Ascendancy Trilogy Book 1), by Veronica Sicoe

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Most helpful customer reviews

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful. Stay for the aliens. By Matthew The Deep Link is an ambitious book. There are many sci-fi reads out there that don't attempt to tackle the POV of an alien, favoring instead the familiar and comfortable human perspective.The Deep Link is one of those books that attempts a completely alien POV in the character of Amharr and succeeds. We see the world through his eyes. We come to understand his thinking, his philosophy, and what is at stake for him in the story. It's incredibly refreshing.Sadly, the level of entertainment doesn't hold as well for the human side of things. The character of Taryn often feels more like a victim of her circumstances than an active character. Her motivations are less clear than Amharr, and I was often left unsure of what she really wanted and where we were going with her.Add to this a major political conflict with the humans that never really got me in the corner of one side or the other, and I found myself skimming through the human sections of the book just so I could get back to Amharr and the other Emranti.It might be that the point of the political conflict wasn't to inspire loyalty towards one side or the other but to show that war is terrible and awful for everyone no matter what. That does feel like a point the book is trying to make. But the bloodshed of the major conflict that erupts toward the end is so quickly summarized that I never really felt the impact. The characters who die didn't leave me with much loss since they felt expendable.One final note on the Dorylinae, the other major alien race in the story. Humanity's opinion towards them is a major issue of the political conflict, and Taryn's sympathy towards them is a major motivator for her behavior. But we see so little of them, and the story seems to have a shifting opinion on whether we should like them. There's a critical point in the story where even Taryn has second thoughts. This aspect, probably out of them all, watered down my empathy for Taryn the most. If I can't see why Taryn loves this race so much, I can't feel like I'm rooting for her or like I understand her dilemma about whether they should be saved.That being said, the Dorylinae and the Cyans are both intriguing aspects that I really want to see explored in future books. There's story gold in there.All in all, it's an enjoyable book that could have been made better with some retooling on the human side. The execution of Amharr's side shows promise for this trilogy, however.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Excellent start to a trilogy By TJ I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. When I receive a new book I generally read a few pages to see how soon I plan to read it (honestly). This book caught my attention right out of the gate, which means I didn’t manage to put it down until I’d finished it. I loved the story. The characters were people that you could believe in, whether they garnered your trust or suspicion. The author managed to put an interesting spin on this book and I was happy to follow Taryn throughout her adventures.The alien races are done well. The story is one of overcoming insurmountable odds while making unexpected allies and friends. Parts of this book are a little dark. I don’t know if my mind worked overtime, but it seemed to me that there were some pretty gruesome wound descriptions. I’m not talking about gratuitous violence as these scenes were integral to the story and what was happening, but some of the descriptions were pretty graphic.There’s a lot going on in this story, including an alien invasion, rebellions on several fronts and various other people with their own agendas that throw a wrench in the works from time to time for Taryn as she does her best to cope with the connection between her and the alien she becomes linked to. As first contact stories go, I found this one very entertaining. The characters were complex and had a good deal of depth. I enjoyed the book right up to the ending when I started wishing that the next one was out so I could see where this interesting new joining of souls goes next.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Think Pride and Prejudice on a galactic scale. By Monmouth Mike The story begins like an episode of Firefly before accelerating into something with far more subtlety and depth. The story takes off early on when Taryn first encounters the alien warlord Amharr. The inter-species’ sex is done brilliantly as is the techno-babble throughout. This latter is both convincing but never intrudes upon the central story, the growing love between Amharr andTaryn. From the moment they’re bonded their mutual worlds and world rivalries combine in an interesting and complex plot. Think Pride and Prejudice on a galactic scale.

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The Deep Link (The Ascendancy Trilogy Book 1), by Veronica Sicoe

The Deep Link (The Ascendancy Trilogy Book 1), by Veronica Sicoe

The Deep Link (The Ascendancy Trilogy Book 1), by Veronica Sicoe
The Deep Link (The Ascendancy Trilogy Book 1), by Veronica Sicoe

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