Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013

Die toxische Metalle: Metalle und Schwermetalle (German Edition), by Antimo Audino

Die toxische Metalle: Metalle und Schwermetalle (German Edition), by Antimo Audino

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Die toxische Metalle: Metalle und Schwermetalle (German Edition), by Antimo Audino

Die toxische Metalle: Metalle und Schwermetalle (German Edition), by Antimo Audino

Die toxische Metalle: Metalle und Schwermetalle (German Edition), by Antimo Audino

Free Ebook Online Die toxische Metalle: Metalle und Schwermetalle (German Edition), by Antimo Audino

Der Zweck dieser Mini Buch ist nicht so sehr, um Vorstellungen von Metallen zu lehren, sondern, damit jeder weiß die verheerenden Auswirkungen, dass die so genannten Schwermetalle (auch als toxisch bekannt) haben auf den menschlichen Körper, so dass jeder eine Chance zu entscheiden, ob er durchlaufen hat auf "chelatbildende" (Stoffe, die in Organismen Metallpartikel umhüllen, als ob sie Krebsscheren waren) zu kümmern. Das Vorhandensein von toxischen Metallen in unserer Umgebung und fast verheerend. Unser Körper absorbiert toxische Metalle jeden Tag auf verschiedenen Wegen des Eindringens (Atmung, Ernährung, etc.) und giftige Partikel durchdringen den menschlichen Körper sind in verschiedenen Organen abgelagert Laufe der Zeit ansammeln bis zum Erreichen Konzentrationen gefährlich für die menschliche Gesundheit. Es wird geschätzt, dass die durchschnittliche tägliche Verbrauch von Aluminium durch den menschlichen Körper ist in Nanogramm abgeschätzt, bedeutet dies, dass im Alter von etwa 60 Jahren sind die Niveaus von Al in dem Körper haben Zahlen sehr gefährlich für die menschliche Gesundheit zu erreichen. Viele Wissenschaftler, heute zum Beispiel, neigen die Effekte dell'Alhzeimer und anderen neurodegenerativen Störungen das Vorhandensein von Aluminium in dem Körper zu verbinden. Was ich will, mit Sicherheit, mit der Schaffung dieses wenig Arbeit zu erreichen, ist die Verbreitung von Wissen über die Gefahren für die Menschheit, und dass zu lange durch die Vielzahl ignoriert worden; Dies ist sicherlich nicht, den Leser zu erschrecken, sondern um ihn zu warnen und ihm eine Chance geben, sich zu verteidigen.

Die toxische Metalle: Metalle und Schwermetalle (German Edition), by Antimo Audino

  • Published on: 2015-06-22
  • Released on: 2015-06-22
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Die toxische Metalle: Metalle und Schwermetalle (German Edition), by Antimo Audino

Die toxische Metalle: Metalle und Schwermetalle (German Edition), by Antimo Audino

Where to Download Die toxische Metalle: Metalle und Schwermetalle (German Edition), by Antimo Audino

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By Trudy B. Buch interessant und aufschlussreich. Aber mit ein paar Seiten geschrieben Kriterium. Lesen!

See all 1 customer reviews... Die toxische Metalle: Metalle und Schwermetalle (German Edition), by Antimo Audino

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Die toxische Metalle: Metalle und Schwermetalle (German Edition), by Antimo Audino iBooks
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Die toxische Metalle: Metalle und Schwermetalle (German Edition), by Antimo Audino rtf
Die toxische Metalle: Metalle und Schwermetalle (German Edition), by Antimo Audino AZW
Die toxische Metalle: Metalle und Schwermetalle (German Edition), by Antimo Audino Kindle

Die toxische Metalle: Metalle und Schwermetalle (German Edition), by Antimo Audino

Die toxische Metalle: Metalle und Schwermetalle (German Edition), by Antimo Audino

Die toxische Metalle: Metalle und Schwermetalle (German Edition), by Antimo Audino
Die toxische Metalle: Metalle und Schwermetalle (German Edition), by Antimo Audino

Senin, 28 Oktober 2013

The Golden Age of Weird Fiction MEGAPACK TM, Vol. 5: David H. Keller, by David H. Keller

The Golden Age of Weird Fiction MEGAPACK TM, Vol. 5: David H. Keller, by David H. Keller

The soft file means that you have to visit the web link for downloading and install and after that conserve The Golden Age Of Weird Fiction MEGAPACK TM, Vol. 5: David H. Keller, By David H. Keller You have actually possessed guide to read, you have positioned this The Golden Age Of Weird Fiction MEGAPACK TM, Vol. 5: David H. Keller, By David H. Keller It is simple as visiting guide shops, is it? After getting this brief description, hopefully you can download one and also start to read The Golden Age Of Weird Fiction MEGAPACK TM, Vol. 5: David H. Keller, By David H. Keller This book is quite simple to check out every time you have the spare time.

The Golden Age of Weird Fiction MEGAPACK TM, Vol. 5: David H. Keller, by David H. Keller

The Golden Age of Weird Fiction MEGAPACK TM, Vol. 5: David H. Keller, by David H. Keller

The Golden Age of Weird Fiction MEGAPACK TM, Vol. 5: David H. Keller, by David H. Keller

Read Ebook The Golden Age of Weird Fiction MEGAPACK TM, Vol. 5: David H. Keller, by David H. Keller

David H. Keller, M.D. (1880-1966) was indeed a medical doctor (a psychiatrist -- and the first to write science fiction). He was an early proponent of H.P. Lovecraft and wrote a number of articles on Lovecraft's work, whose influence can be seen in some of his horror stories. Another influence was James Branch Cabell. This volume concentrates on Keller's fantasy and horror, but does include -- at the end of the book -- a few science-fiction and science-fantasy works which we obtained to late to include in the (already published) Golden Age of Science Fiction volume of his work.

Included here are:


A note to the sensitive: As with many pulp writers, especially those born in the 19th Century, his works are not always politically correct by today's standards. You have been warned.

If you enjoy this book, search your favorite ebook store for "Wildside Press Megapack" to see the 200+ other entries in the series, covering science fiction, fantasy, mysteries, westerns, classics, adventure stories, and much, much more!

The Golden Age of Weird Fiction MEGAPACK TM, Vol. 5: David H. Keller, by David H. Keller

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #567144 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-15
  • Released on: 2015-06-15
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Golden Age of Weird Fiction MEGAPACK TM, Vol. 5: David H. Keller, by David H. Keller

The Golden Age of Weird Fiction MEGAPACK TM, Vol. 5: David H. Keller, by David H. Keller

Where to Download The Golden Age of Weird Fiction MEGAPACK TM, Vol. 5: David H. Keller, by David H. Keller

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful. especially if you are a voracious reader like me, always looking for something new or something ... By Virginia West I give these MEGAPACK stories some extra credit simply because they are old. However, the stories stand on their own, especially if you are a voracious reader like me, always looking for something new or something that shows where newer authors may have gotten some inspiration.

See all 1 customer reviews... The Golden Age of Weird Fiction MEGAPACK TM, Vol. 5: David H. Keller, by David H. Keller

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The Golden Age of Weird Fiction MEGAPACK TM, Vol. 5: David H. Keller, by David H. Keller

The Golden Age of Weird Fiction MEGAPACK TM, Vol. 5: David H. Keller, by David H. Keller

The Golden Age of Weird Fiction MEGAPACK TM, Vol. 5: David H. Keller, by David H. Keller
The Golden Age of Weird Fiction MEGAPACK TM, Vol. 5: David H. Keller, by David H. Keller

Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013

Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Faire Mystery) (Volume 8), by Joyce Lavene

Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Faire Mystery) (Volume 8), by Joyce Lavene

Right here, we have various book Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Faire Mystery) (Volume 8), By Joyce Lavene and collections to review. We additionally serve alternative kinds and also type of guides to browse. The fun publication, fiction, past history, novel, science, as well as various other types of e-books are readily available right here. As this Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Faire Mystery) (Volume 8), By Joyce Lavene, it turneds into one of the recommended book Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Faire Mystery) (Volume 8), By Joyce Lavene collections that we have. This is why you remain in the ideal site to see the fantastic books to own.

Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Faire Mystery) (Volume 8), by Joyce Lavene

Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Faire Mystery) (Volume 8), by Joyce Lavene

Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Faire Mystery) (Volume 8), by Joyce Lavene

Best Ebook Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Faire Mystery) (Volume 8), by Joyce Lavene

When a fairy named Apple Blossom is found dead in a fountain, Ren Faire lover Jessie Morton makes a wish she lives to regret—that her husband, Chase Manhattan, is no longer the Renaissance Faire Village Bailiff so he doesn’t have to look for the fairy’s killer and ruin their plans to go away for their first wedding anniversary. Trapped in a timeless ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ experience, Jessie is transported to a different Village to face the consequences of her wish where Chase isn’t the Bailiff, and he’s not married to her. Jessie’s fairy godmother who granted the wish tells her that she must find a way to make Chase fall in love with her again, and they must discover who killed Apple Blossom, if she ever wants to go back to the life she knew.

Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Faire Mystery) (Volume 8), by Joyce Lavene

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #796200 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-06-29
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .52" w x 5.50" l, .70 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 230 pages
Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Faire Mystery) (Volume 8), by Joyce Lavene

About the Author Joyce and Jim Lavene write bestselling mystery fiction. They have written and published more than 70 novels for Harlequin, Berkley, and Simon and Schuster along with hundreds of non-fiction articles for national and regional publications. They live in rural North Carolina with their family, Quincy, their black cat, Stan Lee their tabby and their rescue dog, Rudi. Visit them at www.joyceandjimlavene.com www.Facebook.com/JoyceandJimLavene Twitter: @authorjlavene

Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Faire Mystery) (Volume 8), by Joyce Lavene

Where to Download Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Faire Mystery) (Volume 8), by Joyce Lavene

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Gave me the giggles! Such fun. By laurathomas61 I’m sure you noticed, but just a warning, this is the 8th book in the series and there may be spoilers.I’ve not read the other books in this series myself. I’m slowly working through all of these authors books and this is one I haven’t started yet. I couldn’t resist reading this one though.Imagine going to bed happily married to the man of your dreams and living the life you always wanted. Then you wake up with the wrong man in your bed and nobody remembers your life. It’s all topsy turvy wrong.That’s what happened to Jessie Morton. One stupid wish in the heat of the moment blew up her happy world and landed her in a mess.All she wanted was to celebrate the first anniversary of her marriage to Chase Manhattan. But he’s the Renaissance Faire Village Bailiff and when a fairy is murdered she doesn’t want him on the case. A wish that he was no longer bailiff so they can sneak away changed everything.The fun begins when Jessie must get Chase on the murder case so he can solve the murder. Then things will go back to the way they were and she can have her Happily Ever After.Shouldn’t be too tough. But that’s an understatement.To set the record straight, the murdered fairy was really a person in costume. I got a big surprise when it was revealed their were real fairies, witches, and even fairy godmothers in the village. How cool is that?After some initial confusion while I acquainted myself with this world and the characters, I settled in for a fun mystery and some laughs.I just knew it wouldn’t be as easy as Jessie thought it would be and the fun was watching her scramble to get people to help her, to convince them she wasn’t crazy, and to solve the murder.You can read this and enjoy it without having read the other books in the series, but if you’re like me, you’ll want to know how it all began. I plan to go back to the beginning and find out.I received this book for my honest review.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A fairy tale at the Renaissance Faire complete with a fairy godmother! Be careful what you wish for! By Lori Caswell/Dollycas Dollycas’s ThoughtsA fairy tale at the Renaissance Faire complete with a fairy godmother! Be careful what you wish for!Jessie and Chase are getting ready to take a honeymoon when a fairy is killed and throws a kink into their plans. Jessie wished Chase was not the Bailiff at the Renaissance Faire Village and her wish was granted. Sadly that one wish had very adverse effects even erasing their whole relationship their marriage. The fairy that granted wish, Jessie’s fairy godmother, quickly explains that she has to make Chase fall in love with her again and solve the murder of the fairy to have things go back to the way they were.Another fabulous story from Jim and Joyce Lavene. I must admit I started out being a little mad at this twist at first. I love Jessie and Chase together and I really hate the things that keep them apart. But I really became intrigued by parts of the new village Jessie was in. Some characters that had died were brought back and at the same time had some of the new shops and characters from the last story. It really was a village in limbo that let us see a different side to some of the characters we are familiar with from previous installments and how their lives would have changed had they not met Jessie. The authors label it as an It’s a Wonderful Life experience and it is very easy to see their inspiration play out on the pages.The Laveve’s have written a charming story that is so much fun to read. Great characters, wonderful mystery, idyllic setting, with humor, romance, and a bit of make believe too.The entire series is absolutely delightful. Start at the beginning or start with this one. You are going to want to read them all.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Perfect addition to an already fantastic series! By Lisa Ks Book Reviews Authors Joyce & Jim Lavene have a wonderful way of making a story come to life. In this latest installment of the Renaissance Faire Mystery series I could hear the sounds, smells the scents of enticing food, and see every detail as described. It was just like I was standing in the center of it all.Magic has been doing all sorts of things at the Ren Faire in the past installments. But this time, everyone’s lives are changed. FATAL FAIRIES was such a fun ride. Leave it to these authors to come up with such an out of the box story for a cozy. I really did enjoy this story so much. It’s the perfect addition to an already fantastic series. Filled with fun, mystery, and action, you’ll find yourself engrossed in this book that you’ll be surprised when the ending sneaks up on you like it did me. And what an ending it was!I’m really looking forward to my next trip to the Renaissance Faire, but only with the Lavenes as my tour guides.

See all 48 customer reviews... Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Faire Mystery) (Volume 8), by Joyce Lavene

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Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Faire Mystery) (Volume 8), by Joyce Lavene ePub
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Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Faire Mystery) (Volume 8), by Joyce Lavene Kindle

Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Faire Mystery) (Volume 8), by Joyce Lavene

Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Faire Mystery) (Volume 8), by Joyce Lavene

Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Faire Mystery) (Volume 8), by Joyce Lavene
Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Faire Mystery) (Volume 8), by Joyce Lavene

A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems,

A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems, by Jodi A. Mindell PhD, Judith A. Owens MD MPH

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A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems, by Jodi A. Mindell PhD, Judith A. Owens MD  MPH

A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems, by Jodi A. Mindell PhD, Judith A. Owens MD MPH

A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems, by Jodi A. Mindell PhD, Judith A. Owens MD  MPH

Free Ebook A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems, by Jodi A. Mindell PhD, Judith A. Owens MD MPH

Sleep disorders have a significant impact on a child’s physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development, and greatly affect the family, as well. Fortunately, today’s health care providers have highly effective medical and behavioral interventions at their disposal for treatment and prevention. A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems, 3rd Edition, synthesizes current information on the assessment and treatment of sleep disorders in children and adolescents and gives you the practical tools you need to recognize, evaluate, and treat sleep issues. This state-of-the-art resource provides comprehensive, user-friendly guidance on pediatric sleep that will help you improve the lives of your patients and their families.

  • Stay up to date with current information on the etiology, clinical assessment tools, and management of specific sleep disorders in children and adolescents.
  • Quickly find the information you need thanks to logically organized chapters that cover sleep physiology, developmental aspects of sleep, sleep diagnostic tools, the most common pediatric sleep disorders, pharmacology (including stimulants such as caffeine), and special populations.
  • Use handy algorithms to evaluate common presenting symptoms and develop an effective treatment plan.
  • Educate parents and caregivers about normal sleep and offer primary and secondary prevention strategies to be used at home.
  • Keep your practice up to date with new diagnostic criteria, revised and new practice guidelines from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the American Academy of Pediatrics, and updated and new clinical screening and parent handouts for each age group.
  • Access an extensive collection of appendices online, including professional resources, and expanded list of intake and screening questionnaires, and parent education handouts for each age group and each sleep disorder
Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like:
  • Complete content with enhanced navigation 
  • Print patient handouts directly from the eBook
  • Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web
  • Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation
  • Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text
  • Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues
  • Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use

A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems, by Jodi A. Mindell PhD, Judith A. Owens MD MPH

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #249346 in Books
  • Brand: Mindell, Jodi A./ Owens, Judith A.
  • Published on: 2015-06-19
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.90" h x .60" w x 7.00" l, .84 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 232 pages
A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems, by Jodi A. Mindell PhD, Judith A. Owens MD MPH

About the Author Jodi A. Mindell, Ph.D., is associate director of the Sleep Disorders Center at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. She holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, is professor of psychology at Saint Joseph's University, and is the author of numerous publications on pediatric sleep disorders. She lives with her family in Rosemont, Pennsylvania.

A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems, by Jodi A. Mindell PhD, Judith A. Owens MD  MPH

Where to Download A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems, by Jodi A. Mindell PhD, Judith A. Owens MD MPH

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By Sarah Morsbach Incredibly helpful resource for healthcare providers who see kids with sleep problems. Includes patient handouts.

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By Jose M. very good

See all 2 customer reviews... A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems, by Jodi A. Mindell PhD, Judith A. Owens MD MPH

A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems, by Jodi A. Mindell PhD, Judith A. Owens MD MPH PDF
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A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems, by Jodi A. Mindell PhD, Judith A. Owens MD MPH ePub
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A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems, by Jodi A. Mindell PhD, Judith A. Owens MD MPH AZW
A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems, by Jodi A. Mindell PhD, Judith A. Owens MD MPH Kindle

A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems, by Jodi A. Mindell PhD, Judith A. Owens MD MPH

A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems, by Jodi A. Mindell PhD, Judith A. Owens MD MPH

A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems, by Jodi A. Mindell PhD, Judith A. Owens MD MPH
A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems, by Jodi A. Mindell PhD, Judith A. Owens MD MPH

Jumat, 25 Oktober 2013

Alex & Company: Book One - Ebony Book of Old, by Elbrus A. Basmouk

Alex & Company: Book One - Ebony Book of Old, by Elbrus A. Basmouk

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Alex & Company: Book One - Ebony Book of Old, by Elbrus A. Basmouk

Alex & Company: Book One - Ebony Book of Old, by Elbrus A. Basmouk

Alex & Company: Book One - Ebony Book of Old, by Elbrus A. Basmouk

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When the parents of young Alex Nobles fail to return from a strange mission and his caretaker runs out of money, she has no choice but to send Alex to live at an orphanage run by a greedy tavern keeper named Helen Rutwinkle.

At the orphanage, Alex befriends other young boys named Sticks and Ham, as well as a girl named Mary. Helen Rutwinkle makes all of the children work, and Alex wonders what happened to his parents and if he really is an orphan at all.

One night, a mysterious king comes to the door and offers old Rutwinkle a powerful position in exchange for Alex. Luckily, Alex and his friends overhear the conversation and realize that this man has evil intentions.

The king is not the only one looking for Alex. A wizard from the revered order of Gray Cloaks seeks him, too– offering Alex protection for the dangerous journey ahead.

Alex and his friends set out on the adventure of a lifetime, traveling on the high seas and deep into the woods, where they meet all manner of magical creatures and discover whether Alex is truly the rightful heir to the wizards’ Ebony Book of Old.

Alex & Company: Book One - Ebony Book of Old, by Elbrus A. Basmouk

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1584842 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-06-30
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .63" w x 6.00" l, .82 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 252 pages
Alex & Company: Book One - Ebony Book of Old, by Elbrus A. Basmouk

About the Author

Elbrus A. Basmouk grew up in northern New Jersey, where he still resides with his wife, Nada, and their three wonderful sons. He graduated from William Paterson University with a degree in political science before receiving his certified public management certification from Rutgers University. He spent his career in public service, earning many promotions and ascending to the rank of captain before finally retiring as a department administrator.

As a child, Basmouk’s favorite books were science fiction and fantasy adventures. He loved to delve into the works of authors such as J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Isaac Asimov, and Stephen King.

Basmouk always enjoyed reading and writing and, after starting a family, felt compelled to write a fantasy story. He draws inspiration from his wife and children. This is his debut novel.

Alex & Company: Book One - Ebony Book of Old, by Elbrus A. Basmouk

Where to Download Alex & Company: Book One - Ebony Book of Old, by Elbrus A. Basmouk

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Great for reading to them aloud By Zyad Hajo This is the perfect book to read to your grade school kids around 7. It starts right up with well described visuals and action. The dialogue will keep your kids' attention and it's fun to do the various voices. The vocabulary stretches the young ones but the context makes it decipherable and exposes them to harder words.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Fun read for anyone By tatiana arslanouk Fun read for anyone! The story line is so creative with matching graphics that really tie it all together. Its challenging enough yet so imaginative, I would definitely recommend to any parent to read with their child.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Amazing book !! By GARRY M RIDNER This is one of those books that's hard to put down!Everyone loves mystery , suspense , and adventure...this book has it all !I'm looking forward to more from this author , I will definitely share this with friends and family!

See all 13 customer reviews... Alex & Company: Book One - Ebony Book of Old, by Elbrus A. Basmouk

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Alex & Company: Book One - Ebony Book of Old, by Elbrus A. Basmouk

Alex & Company: Book One - Ebony Book of Old, by Elbrus A. Basmouk

Alex & Company: Book One - Ebony Book of Old, by Elbrus A. Basmouk
Alex & Company: Book One - Ebony Book of Old, by Elbrus A. Basmouk

Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013

The Game Changer's Action Guide: Building Your Success Foundation, by Katy Bray

The Game Changer's Action Guide: Building Your Success Foundation, by Katy Bray

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The Game Changer's Action Guide: Building Your Success Foundation, by Katy Bray

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In Katy Bray’s Game Changer’s Action Guide – Building Your Success Foundation, you will be taken on an inner adventure that enables you to up your game ON YOUR OWN. You will uncover answers to some of your most pressing questions about who you really are and how to restructure your life and business in life enhancing ways that lead you directly into your greatest successes. There are a lot of books, seminars and programs out there that promise a lot of things. They get you excited about all the possibilities. They get you all dressed up with no place to go because the tend to fall short on how personal the journey of personal and professional success is. There isn’t ‘one’ right way to go about this process. That is why the Game Changer’s Action Guide is so ground breaking – YOU create your own structure based on your own wisdom. In The Game Changers Action Guide, you are your own expert. This guide helps draw out of you your greatest wisdom and motivates you to take immediate action. If you are ready to up your game and leave your mark on the world, the Game Changer Action Guide – Building Your Success Foundation is your strongest place to start. In this action guide you will: • Discover who you really • Uncover your own answers • Understand your true power • Have more confidence to create what you really want • Understand clearly what has held you back and how to move forward • 7 Day money back guarantee

The Game Changer's Action Guide: Building Your Success Foundation, by Katy Bray

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1623187 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-10-02
  • Released on: 2015-10-02
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Game Changer's Action Guide: Building Your Success Foundation, by Katy Bray

The Game Changer's Action Guide: Building Your Success Foundation, by Katy Bray

Where to Download The Game Changer's Action Guide: Building Your Success Foundation, by Katy Bray

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great book to meet you wherever you are on the path of change. By Shelley J.W. A powerful little book that will deliver big results if, like everything else in life, you're willing to do the work. Katy Bray had done the work, walks her talk and shares her proven, heart centered formula for success. While it would be quick and easy to rush through the exercises, the wisdom and change will come from the slow dance and deep burn of plunging into the depths of your souls journey. Bite the apple, walk in the woods, ponder just one question as you look deeper and choose new meaning for the life and experiences that have been yours. You can begin again. This book offers the map and provides the compass to chart a new course for your successful life.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. I LOVED this book By Jacqui I LOVED this book!! Katy nails it when it comes to practical exercises on how to really look at yourself objectively and how to move forward in a more heartfelt and authentic direction. If you seriously want to be a better person, don't rush through the steps in this book, take the time and be very honest with yourself. Katy's insights are extremely astute and concise, nothing squishy here. This action guide will get started in the right direction to your own high road!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. An amazing guide for both business and personal growth and development By martha welsh An amazing guide for both business and personal growth and development. It's quite impressive that the Game Changer's Action Guide allows for both paths to be followed simultaneously, to the total benefit of the reader. Highly recommend!

See all 5 customer reviews... The Game Changer's Action Guide: Building Your Success Foundation, by Katy Bray

The Game Changer's Action Guide: Building Your Success Foundation, by Katy Bray PDF
The Game Changer's Action Guide: Building Your Success Foundation, by Katy Bray iBooks
The Game Changer's Action Guide: Building Your Success Foundation, by Katy Bray ePub
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The Game Changer's Action Guide: Building Your Success Foundation, by Katy Bray AZW
The Game Changer's Action Guide: Building Your Success Foundation, by Katy Bray Kindle

The Game Changer's Action Guide: Building Your Success Foundation, by Katy Bray

The Game Changer's Action Guide: Building Your Success Foundation, by Katy Bray

The Game Changer's Action Guide: Building Your Success Foundation, by Katy Bray
The Game Changer's Action Guide: Building Your Success Foundation, by Katy Bray

Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013

A Faerie's Secret (Creepy Hollow) (Volume 4), by Rachel Morgan

A Faerie's Secret (Creepy Hollow) (Volume 4), by Rachel Morgan

This letter might not influence you to be smarter, however guide A Faerie's Secret (Creepy Hollow) (Volume 4), By Rachel Morgan that we offer will certainly evoke you to be smarter. Yeah, at least you'll know greater than others that do not. This is just what called as the top quality life improvisation. Why must this A Faerie's Secret (Creepy Hollow) (Volume 4), By Rachel Morgan It's considering that this is your preferred theme to review. If you similar to this A Faerie's Secret (Creepy Hollow) (Volume 4), By Rachel Morgan motif around, why don't you read the book A Faerie's Secret (Creepy Hollow) (Volume 4), By Rachel Morgan to improve your discussion?

A Faerie's Secret (Creepy Hollow) (Volume 4), by Rachel Morgan

A Faerie's Secret (Creepy Hollow) (Volume 4), by Rachel Morgan

A Faerie's Secret (Creepy Hollow) (Volume 4), by Rachel Morgan

Ebook PDF Online A Faerie's Secret (Creepy Hollow) (Volume 4), by Rachel Morgan

Calla Larkenwood wants nothing more than to be a guardian, but her overprotective mother has never allowed it. When circumstances change and Calla finally gets to join a Guild, she discovers guardian trainee life isn’t all she hoped it would be. Her classmates are distant, her mentor hates her, and keeping her Griffin Ability a secret is harder than she thought. Then an initiation game goes wrong, landing Calla with a magical ability she can’t control. She needs help—and the only way she can get it is by bargaining with the guy who just discovered her biggest secret.

A Faerie's Secret (Creepy Hollow) (Volume 4), by Rachel Morgan

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1039080 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-06-04
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .88" w x 5.25" l, .88 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 350 pages
A Faerie's Secret (Creepy Hollow) (Volume 4), by Rachel Morgan

About the Author Rachel Morgan is a South African author who spent a large portion of her childhood living in a fantasy land of her own making. After completing a degree in genetics, she decided science wasn't for her--after all, they didn't approve of made-up facts. These days she spends much of her time immersed in fantasy land once more, writing fiction for young adults and those young at heart. She is the author of the bestselling Creepy Hollow series, and the lighthearted contemporary romance Trouble series.

A Faerie's Secret (Creepy Hollow) (Volume 4), by Rachel Morgan

Where to Download A Faerie's Secret (Creepy Hollow) (Volume 4), by Rachel Morgan

Most helpful customer reviews

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful. My favorite of the series thus far. By Dani Can I just say that I love that Creepy Hollow is not done? It’s always bittersweet leaving a world behind when finishing a series, and I thought when reading The Faerie War (Creepy Hollow Book #3) that that was the last new adventure I’d have with Violet and Ryn in the world of Creepy Hollow. Thankfully, not so. Or not completely anyway. A Faerie’s Secret picks up almost a decade after the fall of Draven, but while Vi, Ryn and some other familiar faces make some cameos, this time the story is Calla’s (Ryn’s younger half sister).Now seventeen, Calla Larkenwood desperately wants to train to become a faerie guardian just like her father was and her brother is. She wants to keep people safe from horrors like she once experienced at the hands of a cruel Unseelie prince. However, since the fall of Draven, the Guilds are now keeping track of faeries with Griffin abilities, and her parents are trying as hard as possible to keep Calla’s power a secret. Especially since she has trouble controlling it. Sending her to train at the Guild would be like sending her into the lion’s den. But when it becomes clear that someone dangerous might already know and be after Calla, her parents finally agree that the Guild might, ironically, be the safest place for her.But then again, maybe not.When a guardian trainee hazing goes south, Calla ends up in the middle of something sinister while accidentally exposing her secret to a faerie of somewhat ambiguous allegiances. So safety becomes somewhat of a moot point. Plus, guardian training, not super safe to begin with anyway.Continuation? Standalone? So, at this point, you might be wondering, Dear Reader, if you need to have read the first three books in this series. First of all, massive side eye going on in your general direction accompanied by an “Um…. YES?!” But fangirl answer aside, still I would say yes. The impact of the story would be greatly lessened if you jumped in on Book #4. Plus, you would definitely benefit from a better, broader knowledge of the Creepy Hollow world and what these characters have already been through. For example, if you read the original trilogy, you’ll have already met Calla. Seven-year-old Calla does play an important role in that story, and her backstory definitely comes into play in this one. But that said, if for some reason, you're staunchly opposed to reading the previous books, Rachel also does a good job of providing just enough information for the uninitiated reader to get by if they don’t wish to go back and read the first three. *more side eye*Calla. I just love her. She’s been through so much suffering in her seventeen years, and yet she embraces the vibrancy of life; choosing the “bright colors” rather than dwelling on the dark ones. She’s passionate, full of conviction, selfless, brave, compassionate, but also tough, totally kickbutt, and tends to wear her heart on her sleeve… among other places. I adore her.I also adore Chase. A handsome, mysterious tattoo artist from the Underground, Calla’s ability doesn’t affect him like it does other faeries. Which makes him dangerous to Calla. However, seeing as she’s gotten herself in a bit of a “situation” with the super unofficial and definitely illegal trainee initiation, she finds herself in need of his knowledge and help. He's strangely honorable, but not entirely forthcoming. Friend or foe? Well, that remains to be seen…Calla & Chase. Whatever this is, I love it.Vi & Ryn. Yay. Just… yay. So good to see them again.The world. Like I said previously, when I finished what I assumed to be the last book in the then-trilogy, I hated saying goodbye to the world of Creepy Hollow. Rachel has created this beautiful, enchanting place that blends the faerie world with very human concepts. A faerie world full of magic, mystery, and magical creatures, but with law enforcement agencies, bureaucracy, smartphone equivalents, and social media? It’s whimsical and charming, but also believably dark and dangerous when the plot swings that way. Which it does. Often. Creepy Hollow is a well-conceived and well-executed world, and I’m so glad I get to visit there a little longer.The story. It’s captivating. It’s fast-paced. It's...Ok. I have to mention it. There's one thing I love above all about A Faerie’s Secret, and I need to at least try to tell you about it, even if it’s in the vaguest of terms. I guess the only way I can describe it is that Rachel wove into the story in such a organic, smart, stealthy way; a well-planned sneak attack. I had my suspicions about . I was 86% sure I had this thing all figured out, but still Rachel kept me guessing. And when the "AHA!" moment finally came, what she did with blew me away. I love when an author can turn the tables on me, which is something that doesn't seem to happen too terribly often. So if you like clever stories that’ll leave you jaw-on-the-floor gaping (and if you like faeries, and magic, and romance, and danger, and kick-butt heroines… and who doesn’t?!), this book is a good pick for you.Also worth mentioning, the dialogue and descriptions. I’m a big fan. And I love how certain things from the original trilogy come into play in this fourth book.Overall. In short, A Faerie’s Secret is clever, exciting and engaging; a wonderful and welcome return to the world and characters for established fans of the series, and a great introduction to Creepy Hollow for those new to it. My favorite of the series thus far.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Awesome. Spectacular. Enthralling. By Roxy Kade Awesome. Spectacular. Enthralling.This book was a fantastic, fast-paced, thrill ride, that kept me on the edge of my seat throughout.I couldn't wait to jump back into the world of Creepy Hollow, and I was even more excited for Calla's story. She's the perfect mix of sweet and sassy, with her heart in the right place and a fierce determination, making her one of my favorite characters.Filled with action and adventure, this book did not disappoint in the least. But, it was the mystery of what was really going on with Chase, and who he was after, that really held me captive. With the revelation of her mother's secret past, so Calla found herself in the middle of the drama, tied to whatever mission Chase was on, and the two of them were brought closer by all the chaos they experienced - from the Labyrinth to Saber's attacks and then some.There is still plenty of mystery surrounding Amon and what his ultimate plan is, and I cannot wait for this story to continue. If that wasn't enough, the ending blew me away. Who knew that one word...one name...could leave me feeling like I had just been hit with a Stun spell! I need more NOW!!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A Cliffhanger That Will Leave You In Shock! By Amazon Customer I don't even know where to begin with this book because it was simply such an amazing read! Fast-paced, fun, and filled to the brim with exciting adventures, I never wanted this book to end. It was so nice to be back in Creepy Hollow, seeing old favorites return, and (kind of) new characters finding a new place in my heart. It's not secret that I love this series, and Ms. Morgan does a fantastic job at bridging the original series with this installment. While you don't necessarily have to read the first 3 novels in the series, you will be greatly missing out if you don't! You feel a much stronger connection to the story, and you understand what went on 10 years ago as this was what the first 3 books were about. Nevertheless, you will not be confused if you decided to start with this novel, as Ms. Morgan writes the story with a great clarity and brilliance. You will instantly be transported to Creepy Hollow, feeling like you are right there along with the characters going through the Faerie Paths, and taking part in the Fishbowl.This story follows Calla, Ryn's sister. She's all grown up, and has a major secret that she is keeping from everyone. For if anyone finds out about this secret, well let's just say it won't be good for anyone involved. She has very few people she can trust, and she quickly realizes that some of those people she might not be who she thought they were to begin with. Everyone has secrets, and some will do anything to keep those secrets quiet. This is extremely important to remember while reading this book (and you'll see why after you finish reading). I loved Calla as a lead character. In fact, she was just as great as Vi! Calla's feisty and fierce, and does what she wants. I loved her spunk, and even when everything was against her, she never gives up. And then there's Chase. Calla meets him in an unexpected place, and from there the mystery deepens. Calla can't get a read on him, and she certainly can't figure out why he's keeping his past so secret. But oooh boy, when Calla (and the reader) finds out...let's just say you will NOT believe what you just read. Chase was such an intriguing character, and I loved the balance he provided for Calla. They work so well together as a team, and I'm very interested to see what the next book has in store for them.So that moment I was talking about before where there's this big revelation in regards to Chase...that's how the book ends. Suffice to say, it's a MAJOR CLIFFHANGER! This is the mother of all cliffhangers people, and you're jaw will drop. Ms. Morgan certainly knows how to craft a shocking moment, and I applaud her for being able to render me speechless with one single word.If you are a fan of this series, this is a must read! You don't want to miss out on the exciting adventures of Calla, as well as seeing your favorite characters and learning what they've been up to in the past 10 years. I can't wait for the next book, A Faerie's Revenge, and I don't know how I'm going to be able to wait! Don't miss out of this one, or you'll regret it!Happy reading :)

See all 157 customer reviews... A Faerie's Secret (Creepy Hollow) (Volume 4), by Rachel Morgan

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A Faerie's Secret (Creepy Hollow) (Volume 4), by Rachel Morgan

A Faerie's Secret (Creepy Hollow) (Volume 4), by Rachel Morgan

A Faerie's Secret (Creepy Hollow) (Volume 4), by Rachel Morgan
A Faerie's Secret (Creepy Hollow) (Volume 4), by Rachel Morgan

Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013

Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Travis (Book 1)(BBW Shifter Curvy Girl Romance Wish), by Aura Rhodes

Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Travis (Book 1)(BBW Shifter Curvy Girl Romance Wish), by Aura Rhodes

Why must be this e-book Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Travis (Book 1)(BBW Shifter Curvy Girl Romance Wish), By Aura Rhodes to review? You will certainly never ever get the knowledge and also experience without getting by on your own there or attempting by on your own to do it. For this reason, reading this e-book Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Travis (Book 1)(BBW Shifter Curvy Girl Romance Wish), By Aura Rhodes is needed. You could be great and appropriate sufficient to obtain exactly how crucial is reading this Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Travis (Book 1)(BBW Shifter Curvy Girl Romance Wish), By Aura Rhodes Even you always read by obligation, you can sustain on your own to have reading book routine. It will be so helpful and enjoyable then.

Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Travis (Book 1)(BBW Shifter Curvy Girl Romance Wish), by Aura Rhodes

Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Travis (Book 1)(BBW Shifter Curvy Girl Romance Wish), by Aura Rhodes

Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Travis (Book 1)(BBW Shifter Curvy Girl Romance Wish), by Aura Rhodes

Ebook PDF Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Travis (Book 1)(BBW Shifter Curvy Girl Romance Wish), by Aura Rhodes

"Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Creating luscious booties one pastry at a time."

Travis has lost his job, his way and the girl he thought he knew in his girlfriend. She's become someone else in the few years they've been together, literally and mentally. Travis still loves her, but yearns for the girl he met in college including her college curves. He wishes for her to have the curves of the girl he's seen in the new cafe, but knows it's a shallow thought, or is it? What if there was a bakery that catered to the curvy appetite, where man or woman could go to order the curves they desire? Could it be possible such curvy wishes are granted and, if so, what could possibly go wrong? Find out in my new series: Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Travis (Book 1) - Creating luscious booties one pastry at a time. This book contains a few explicit and quick sex scenes. Mature content for readers 18 and older.

Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Travis (Book 1)(BBW Shifter Curvy Girl Romance Wish), by Aura Rhodes

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #324253 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-01
  • Released on: 2015-06-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Travis (Book 1)(BBW Shifter Curvy Girl Romance Wish), by Aura Rhodes

Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Travis (Book 1)(BBW Shifter Curvy Girl Romance Wish), by Aura Rhodes

Where to Download Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Travis (Book 1)(BBW Shifter Curvy Girl Romance Wish), by Aura Rhodes

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Short and sweet By Catrina Thomas-Jefferson This is a short but sweet tale in which Travis must learn to accept his girlfriend Michelle for the person she is now rather than the one that she used to be. He thinks he needs to change her in order to find happiness again, but could his happiness lie somewhere else or with someone else (possibly with Jasmine the new girl on his radar)? Read this entertaining story to find out.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Short but sweet By Donna Lane Visits to a bakery with a little bit of magic show Travis what he really wants in a woman. Can't wait to read the next book in this new series. Received Arc for honest review.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A nice short sexy read! By R. Aiken A nice, short sexy read! Travis had been with Michelle for years. She had been a curvy girl once upon a time, but decided to change not only her appearance but her whole demeanor. She was no longer the sweet fun girl she had been, but now was thin, judgmental and callous. Travis has been infatuated with curvy Jasmine, from the coffee shop. She was sweet and sincere, all the things that Michelle used to be. With a little magic and a very special bakery treat, Michelle was returned to her former self, all of her. Travis not only learns much about Michelle, but much about himself as well. A good 1st story in this series. I received this ARC for an honest review.

See all 8 customer reviews... Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Travis (Book 1)(BBW Shifter Curvy Girl Romance Wish), by Aura Rhodes

Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Travis (Book 1)(BBW Shifter Curvy Girl Romance Wish), by Aura Rhodes PDF
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Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Travis (Book 1)(BBW Shifter Curvy Girl Romance Wish), by Aura Rhodes Kindle

Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Travis (Book 1)(BBW Shifter Curvy Girl Romance Wish), by Aura Rhodes

Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Travis (Book 1)(BBW Shifter Curvy Girl Romance Wish), by Aura Rhodes

Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Travis (Book 1)(BBW Shifter Curvy Girl Romance Wish), by Aura Rhodes
Bodacious Bakery Wishes - Travis (Book 1)(BBW Shifter Curvy Girl Romance Wish), by Aura Rhodes

The Heart of Matter (Odyssey One), by Evan Currie

The Heart of Matter (Odyssey One), by Evan Currie

Why should be this on-line e-book The Heart Of Matter (Odyssey One), By Evan Currie You might not require to go someplace to review the publications. You can read this e-book The Heart Of Matter (Odyssey One), By Evan Currie every single time and every where you desire. Even it is in our downtime or feeling burnt out of the jobs in the workplace, this corrects for you. Get this The Heart Of Matter (Odyssey One), By Evan Currie today as well as be the quickest person who completes reading this book The Heart Of Matter (Odyssey One), By Evan Currie

The Heart of Matter  (Odyssey One), by Evan Currie

The Heart of Matter (Odyssey One), by Evan Currie

The Heart of Matter  (Odyssey One), by Evan Currie

Free PDF Ebook The Heart of Matter (Odyssey One), by Evan Currie

On her epic maiden voyage, the NAC spacecraft Odyssey introduced Earth to the wonders of an untouched universe―and the unimagined horrors lurking in the black. Now the Odyssey’s second voyage will carry Captain Eric Weston and his crew back to a familiar battlefield, to face an enemy unlike any they have ever known.

For on war-torn Ranquil, homeworld of Earth’s newest ally the Priminae, the invading Drasin are but foot soldiers for a powerful unseen force. Unmasking the mysterious puppet masters means defying orders and venturing into deep space, a voyage only the Odyssey’s crew would dare undertake. But soon they will learn that some secrets are better left hidden....

Part old-school space opera, part modern military epic, The Heart of Matter is an exhilarating new sci-fi adventure, a pulse-pounding sequel to Into the Black: Odyssey One that will echo long after its thrilling conclusion.

The Heart of Matter (Odyssey One), by Evan Currie

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #733284 in Books
  • Brand: Currie, Evan/ Darcie, Benjamin L. (NRT)
  • Published on: 2015-06-02
  • Formats: Audiobook, MP3 Audio, Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 6.75" h x .50" w x 5.25" l, .16 pounds
  • Running time: 15 Hours
  • Binding: MP3 CD
The Heart of Matter (Odyssey One), by Evan Currie

About the Author Evan has been writing most of his life in one format or another, and though his post-secondary education was in computer sciences and he has worked in the local lobster industry steadily over the last decade, writing has always been his true passion. In his own words, "It's what I do for fun and to relax. There's not much I can imagine better than being a storyteller."

The Heart of Matter  (Odyssey One), by Evan Currie

Where to Download The Heart of Matter (Odyssey One), by Evan Currie

Most helpful customer reviews

23 of 23 people found the following review helpful. Good sequel... but left hanging again. By jep !!! --- WARNING - HERE BE SPOILERS!!! --- !!!OK, so I prepurchased this book and it was waiting for me yesterday morning. I started reading last night and finished it up this evening. (When I began, my first thought was "Cool 600+ pages, things must be wrapped up in the sequel." More on that in a moment.)While I enjoyed reading this book, it seemed to be missing something from the first book. To me, it seemed the first book had an underlying sense of urgency and desperation in the battle scenes that the sequel doesn't have. Or maybe it was the lack of "new" horrors the crew were exposed to in the sequel.I was glad to see the author had the colonials come up with some gee-whiz weaponry of their own, namely the diamond firing rifles, instead of having the colonials seem like naive children and letting the Terrans come up with something entirely new to use on the Drasin.There was a head scratcher or two, such as "Why didn't they fire up the transition drive and return to Ranquil as soon as they figured out they were about to be pulled into the Dyson construct?". But there was nothing that seriously interfered with the story, and I enjoyed this book enough to finish reading it rather quickly. One thing about the book I don't like is that even at 600+ pages, this book is a continuation of the story, and now I have to wait months and months for the third installment to be published!

35 of 40 people found the following review helpful. Nice clean straight forward syfi By Regrae I have bad luck when it comes to picking vine books at times because I seem to pick a book that is the second or the third in a series. This problem causes me to be at a lost with the lack of a background story. Several reviewers have stated to read the first one, or you will be lost. I must be lucky then, while there are references to the first book, I had no trouble following the story. So go figure!This is not a small book. It is a solid 627 pages. The chapters are short and crisp. The story flows and I had no problem with keeping the characters straight. There is action and the action prose is swift and to the point with no extra adjectives.The description of equiment is quite clear to my mind. I found the idea of Central, while not clear as to what it is, to be one of my favorite things. The author uses Central to put forth ideas about bravery and humanity. These small snipettes of moral issues didn't bother me.I also like the concept of how close the two worlds were but just a hair off to make things interesting. The villians have this thing for red that is cool. All In all I enjoyed this book and look forward to more.P.s. The author has created a very nasty surprise with his Drasin. There is a spot toward the end of the book where a Navy Seal presents a very interesting idea that when thought about will provide a very interesting next novel.

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful. A good read for hard sci-fi fans By Amazon Customer The author has done a very good job of mixing human interactions, relatively easy to understand physics and space battles. It is one of those books you keep returning to in order to find out what happens next. It is evident, however, that the publisher and author want to spread out the full story over several books so that all questions raised in this first book hopefully can be answered eventually.

See all 713 customer reviews... The Heart of Matter (Odyssey One), by Evan Currie

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The Heart of Matter (Odyssey One), by Evan Currie Kindle

The Heart of Matter (Odyssey One), by Evan Currie

The Heart of Matter (Odyssey One), by Evan Currie

The Heart of Matter (Odyssey One), by Evan Currie
The Heart of Matter (Odyssey One), by Evan Currie

Minggu, 13 Oktober 2013

Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital, by Richard M. Pino MD PhD

Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital, by Richard M. Pino MD PhD

By downloading the on-line Clinical Anesthesia Procedures Of The Massachusetts General Hospital, By Richard M. Pino MD PhD publication right here, you will certainly get some benefits not to go for the book store. Merely hook up to the internet as well as begin to download and install the page web link we share. Currently, your Clinical Anesthesia Procedures Of The Massachusetts General Hospital, By Richard M. Pino MD PhD prepares to appreciate reading. This is your time as well as your tranquility to acquire all that you want from this book Clinical Anesthesia Procedures Of The Massachusetts General Hospital, By Richard M. Pino MD PhD

Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital, by Richard M. Pino MD  PhD

Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital, by Richard M. Pino MD PhD

Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital, by Richard M. Pino MD  PhD

Read Ebook Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital, by Richard M. Pino MD PhD

Apply today’s best practices in anesthesiology! Relied on for over 30 years by practicing anesthesiologists and residents as well as nurse anesthetists, Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital offers you current, comprehensive, concise, consistent, and clinically relevant guidelines on all facets of anesthesia, perioperative care, critical care, and pain management from a host of seasoned experts.Key Features

  • Find the answers you need effortlessly through an easy-to-scan outline format that progresses intuitively from preoperative evaluation through administration of anesthesia to perioperative issues for each subject.
  • Focus on the clinical fundamentals needed for the safe delivery of anesthesia and perioperative care.
  • Achieve excellent outcomes using proven procedures from the internationally recognized Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital.
Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like:
  • Complete content with enhanced navigation
  • A powerful search that pulls results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web
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Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital, by Richard M. Pino MD PhD

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #179879 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-10-06
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
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Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital, by Richard M. Pino MD PhD

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Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital, by Richard M. Pino MD PhD

Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital, by Richard M. Pino MD PhD

Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital, by Richard M. Pino MD PhD
Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital, by Richard M. Pino MD PhD

Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

The Way We Live: What Americans Need to Know to Govern Their Country, by Mr. John M. Shaw

The Way We Live: What Americans Need to Know to Govern Their Country, by Mr. John M. Shaw

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The Way We Live: What Americans Need to Know to Govern Their Country, by Mr. John M. Shaw

The Way We Live: What Americans Need to Know to Govern Their Country, by Mr. John M. Shaw

The Way We Live: What Americans Need to Know to Govern Their Country, by Mr. John M. Shaw

Best Ebook The Way We Live: What Americans Need to Know to Govern Their Country, by Mr. John M. Shaw

Americans have lost sight of the fact that their country is prosperous because it is free. We do a better job than anyone else of providing for ourselves and our families because we have a better system. The reason it is better is that it is based on freedom, our natural human state. Our system is called capitalism. Everything we have in this country--all that we have in this country--has come from working Americans. From us. We are the real thinkers, the doers, the innovators. Employers in the private sector, especially new companies just starting up and small and medium-sized companies when they grow and expand, are the job creators. The role of government in a democracy is to protect our freedom, not to manage our lives for us. It is essential for Americans to understand all of this.

The Way We Live: What Americans Need to Know to Govern Their Country, by Mr. John M. Shaw

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #3909773 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-10-29
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .32" w x 6.00" l, .43 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 140 pages
The Way We Live: What Americans Need to Know to Govern Their Country, by Mr. John M. Shaw

The Way We Live: What Americans Need to Know to Govern Their Country, by Mr. John M. Shaw

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The Way We Live: What Americans Need to Know to Govern Their Country, by Mr. John M. Shaw

The Way We Live: What Americans Need to Know to Govern Their Country, by Mr. John M. Shaw

The Way We Live: What Americans Need to Know to Govern Their Country, by Mr. John M. Shaw
The Way We Live: What Americans Need to Know to Govern Their Country, by Mr. John M. Shaw

The Hidden Masters of Marandur (The Pillars of Reality Book 2), by Jack Campbell

The Hidden Masters of Marandur (The Pillars of Reality Book 2), by Jack Campbell

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The Hidden Masters of Marandur (The Pillars of Reality Book 2), by Jack Campbell

The Hidden Masters of Marandur (The Pillars of Reality Book 2), by Jack Campbell

The Hidden Masters of Marandur (The Pillars of Reality Book 2), by Jack Campbell

PDF Ebook Online The Hidden Masters of Marandur (The Pillars of Reality Book 2), by Jack Campbell

When Master Mechanic Mari and Mage Alain took down the Dark Mechanics and Dark Mages at Dorcastle, they thought they’d covered their involvement well enough to divert their Guilds’ suspicions. The assassins sent after them by their Guilds, which had trained them from childhood, indicate otherwise. Armed with the knowledge that their respective Guilds are now trying to kill them, and knowing their strengths are greater together, they reunite. Rumor has it the key to saving their world from the Guilds’ iron-fisted rule is in the dead city of Marandur. But before they can even attempt to traverse the empty wastelands and avoid the imperial guards surrounding Marandur, they’ll have to survive the Guilds’ agents, who are determined to capture them at any cost, and by any means necessary.

The Hidden Masters of Marandur (The Pillars of Reality Book 2), by Jack Campbell

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #31231 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-10
  • Released on: 2015-06-10
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Hidden Masters of Marandur (The Pillars of Reality Book 2), by Jack Campbell

About the Author “Jack Campbell” is the pen name of John G. Hemry, a retired naval officer who graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis before serving with the surface fleet and in a variety of other assignments. He is the author of The Lost Fleet series as well as the Stark’s War series and the Paul Sinclair series. His short fiction appears frequently in Analog magazine. He lives with his indomitable wife and three children in Maryland.No Bio

The Hidden Masters of Marandur (The Pillars of Reality Book 2), by Jack Campbell

Where to Download The Hidden Masters of Marandur (The Pillars of Reality Book 2), by Jack Campbell

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Here we are rejoined with our favorite Mage and Mechanic only a few months after we ... By AudioBook Reviewer The Hidden Masters of Marandur is the second book in an epic science fiction young adult fantasy series. Please listen to the first book as there may be spoilers here.Here we are rejoined with our favorite Mage and Mechanic only a few months after we left them in the first book. In pure Campbell style we get huge action and tension right away. Then the next third of the book is nothing but Alain and Mari reconnecting, exploring their feelings for one another and battling the internal and external conflicts with their relationship.Slowly Mari puts together what she must do, while it seems everyone wants her dead, and Alain follows to protect her. They are able to find members of their guilds that are willing to help them along their journey to discovering the truth. Secrets that have been hidden for so long there is almost no one left that knows what the truth really is.While there was only one or two more very exciting scenes. This book was almost nothing but Campbell crafting an intricate spiderweb of a story. Fleshing out many of the future players and exploring what once was. Making my mouth water for the next installment.Once again and no surprise, MacLoed Andrews delivers a stellar performance. He had many characters to deal with, yet somehow he managed to give every single one of them their own voice. Using different vocal ranges and accents to make it easy for the listener to differentiate them all with ease.This still time to get engulfed by this series before you feel like you will never catch up to the current book. If you enjoy young adult fantasy, you will not be disappointed.Audiobook provided for review by the publisher.Please find this complete review and many others at audiobookreviewer dot com[If this review helped, please press YES. Thanks!]

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. A great sequel to a masterful series! By DabOfDarkness Book 1 in the series left us with Mage Alain and Master Mechanic Mari going separate paths. Both strive to fit in and make strides in their respective guilds. Mari takes on every task required of her, until one day she is told she must travel to a war-torn area, on her own. Mage Alain is in a similar situation, having been assigned to protect a group of people, only to be targeted by other mages who are tossing around lightning. Mari & Alain unite forces once more and strive to come up with a solution to turning aside the storm they both sense is about to hit their world. They turn their eyes towards the long buried and forgotten archives of the long dead city Marandur.I absolutely loved Book 1 in this series and Book 2 did not disappoint, though I would be hard-pressed to say which one I enjoyed more. Mari and Alain have great chemistry and I love watching them try to figure out their relationship, as well as survive the numerous enemies they have gained. Alain is delving into long suppressed memories of family in order to regain his emotional side. He is also developing social skills, which adds some much appreciated humor even in the bleakest moments. Mari struggles a bit with an age-old prophecy concerning the possible ending to the world as they know it. If I have any complaint about this book, it is that sometimes Mari is a little too emotional. Also, she has a streak of jealousy that is a little ridiculous and isn’t fully resolved by the end of this book. I wasn’t a particular fan of this trait in her and felt it could have been less emphasized.That little complaint aside, the plot is rich with further developments. Both guilds have secrets, but they also have folks who want those secrets out. Plus there are the Dark Mechanics who we briefly glimpsed at the end of Book 1. So many folks want these two dead! So with great reluctance, the duo finally head off to Marandur only after they feel other possibilities have been exhausted.Now Marandur was not as expected. It was more complicated and what they found there could be a huge asset….if only they can get out alive. I really don’t want to spoil any of this for you, as all the Marandur scenes happen late in the book. Let me just say it was a bitch to get into and, even then, they were not safe.This book does a masterful job of weaving steampunky science fiction with philosophical fantasy. It’s an excellent combination and sets the bar high for the small, but growing, subgenre of science fantasy.Narration: MacLeod Andrews once again did a great job of Mari and Alain. He can totally cut all emotion from his voice when doing a Mage, and yet imbue Mari’s voice with so much emotion when she is frightened or angry. I especially like his voice for Mari as it is a bit throaty and it makes it so easy to picture her as a serious mechanic.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Good Thing There's No Assassin's Guild By Taylor Rand After several disastrous attempts on the lives of Mechanic Mari and Mage Alain, I began to think the Guilds’ hearts weren’t really in it. If they had truly wanted them dead, couldn’t the Masters have arranged an ‘accident’ while the two still lived in the Guild Halls? Fortunately, Marie’s pretty nimble and Alain’s cool in a crisis, so they’re able to evade and escape all sorts of dangers – magical and mechanical - to continue Jack Campbell’s lively YA story.There’s no denying it’s an exciting YA adventure mixing fantasy and science fiction. Campbell keeps the plot moving with dragons and rocs, steam engines and radio ‘far-talkers’, narrow escapes and mysterious motives. He knows how to keep the pressure at a high-level as the hunted couple search for answers.All the same, it is a YA story. There’s essentially only two main characters and it's hard to believe either could be in any real danger (from a sensible author). The repeated efforts to do away with either Mari or Alain are not exactly comical – they’re very well-written scenes – but, perhaps, we could have used more background setting, minor character and ‘bad guy’ points-of-view to widen the world creation.I’m enjoying this story. Jack Campbell’s talent for thrilling action is self-evident; from Alain’s battle with the Imperial mages to Mari’s quick-draw encounter with lost city denizens. My only concern is that given the plot's pace (we're barely into the story by the end of The Hidden Masters), the Pillars of Reality is going to be a five or six audiobook series. I like the story but that’s a steep investment.

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The Hidden Masters of Marandur (The Pillars of Reality Book 2), by Jack Campbell

The Hidden Masters of Marandur (The Pillars of Reality Book 2), by Jack Campbell

The Hidden Masters of Marandur (The Pillars of Reality Book 2), by Jack Campbell
The Hidden Masters of Marandur (The Pillars of Reality Book 2), by Jack Campbell

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Leading Through Living: 11 Life Lessons to Achieving Success for Coaches, Business Leaders, or anyone struggling with Unlocking Potential

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Leading Through Living: 11 Life Lessons to Achieving Success for Coaches, Business Leaders, or anyone struggling with Unlocking Potential, by Hunter Goff, Roger Goff

Leading Through Living: 11 Life Lessons to Achieving Success for Coaches, Business Leaders, or anyone struggling with Unlocking Potential, by Hunter Goff, Roger Goff

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FINALLY, the book you have been looking for which will give you everything you wanted to know about achieving success, all in one place and in an easy-to-read and simple-to-understand format. You’ve probably heard the phrase before – ‘it’s not rocket science.’ Well that’s right. Other phrases you hear time and again are – ‘It’s easy’ or ‘anyone can do it.’ But ask yourself one simple question. ‘If anyone can be a success in life, why do some fail so dismally?’ The answer is equally simple. You need the life experience and wisdom of the right people helping you along the way, and in Roger and Hunter Goff you have a father and son team who are two of the best around. ‘Why?’ Well, because they’ve been there and done it the hard way. They’ve tried hard, worked hard, failed, been knocked down and got back up again to make themselves the success they are today. As Roger Goff points out in one chapter; Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard. From human behaviour and the necessity for humility in all aspects of life, they talk about; Discipline Intimidation Confidence Hard work Failure and success Taking risks Preparation and planning They give you the tools to tackle everyday situations and explain the pitfalls as well as the success stories. Nothing is sugar-coated. They tell it like it is at every step, until you can feel the courage of their convictions almost oozing from the pages. Every single lesson can be adapted to anything you might chose to tackle – from running a multi-national company to coaching a little league baseball or soccer team. And by the end of this remarkable easy-to-read book, you will have all the tools you will need to face the daily challenges of life. Even if you don’t run a business or tackle the truly tumultuous problems in life, the rules can be applied to the more routine or mundane tasks we all have to tackle.

Leading Through Living: 11 Life Lessons to Achieving Success for Coaches, Business Leaders, or anyone struggling with Unlocking Potential, by Hunter Goff, Roger Goff

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1910628 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-10-14
  • Released on: 2015-10-14
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Leading Through Living: 11 Life Lessons to Achieving Success for Coaches, Business Leaders, or anyone struggling with Unlocking Potential, by Hunter Goff, Roger Goff

Leading Through Living: 11 Life Lessons to Achieving Success for Coaches, Business Leaders, or anyone struggling with Unlocking Potential, by Hunter Goff, Roger Goff

Where to Download Leading Through Living: 11 Life Lessons to Achieving Success for Coaches, Business Leaders, or anyone struggling with Unlocking Potential, by Hunter Goff, Roger Goff

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great Read! Really applicable to my life By Amazon Customer Great Read! Really applicable to my life! I would recommend to any graduate student or those who are pursuing to develop their leadership skills!

See all 4 customer reviews... Leading Through Living: 11 Life Lessons to Achieving Success for Coaches, Business Leaders, or anyone struggling with Unlocking Potential, by Hunter Goff, Roger Goff

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Leading Through Living: 11 Life Lessons to Achieving Success for Coaches, Business Leaders, or anyone struggling with Unlocking Potential, by Hunter Goff, Roger Goff

Leading Through Living: 11 Life Lessons to Achieving Success for Coaches, Business Leaders, or anyone struggling with Unlocking Potential, by Hunter Goff, Roger Goff

Leading Through Living: 11 Life Lessons to Achieving Success for Coaches, Business Leaders, or anyone struggling with Unlocking Potential, by Hunter Goff, Roger Goff
Leading Through Living: 11 Life Lessons to Achieving Success for Coaches, Business Leaders, or anyone struggling with Unlocking Potential, by Hunter Goff, Roger Goff